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Norway: Reaching near passive house-level

Reaching near passive house-level for the Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) Office in Steinkjer with the use of Total Concept method

The Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) office in Steinkjer, Norway is a pilot/case study for Total Concept which is currently in step 2. The ambition is to reach near passive house-level for windows, walls, roof ventilation and artificial lighting, therefore upgrading the building’s energy efficiency. Five major energy efficiency measures are carried out because they are profitable. Total Concept method concludes that investing in a ground source heat pump will not be profitable. However, the property owner Statsbygg plans to invest on this as a measure for improving energy efficiency. , The project includes deep retrofitting by replacement of windows and doors with better U-value of 0,8 W/m2K. Added insulation in roof and walls, upgrading to demand controlled artificial lighting and demand controlled ventilation for both increased comfort and reduced energy use. The project is carried out according to the progress plan with its deadline in October 2016.

The Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) Office in Steinkjer, Norway, consists of three wings built in different building phases; 1967, 1976 and 1984.

Step 2 and Step 3 are ongoing in the pilot buildings in Sweden

hogsbo_webbFrom the three pilot buildings in Sweden two of them have proceeded to Step 2 and Step 3. In the first pilot building, Högsbo 20:22 office building in Gothenburg, Step 2 was carried out in summer 2015 and monitoring and follow-up (Step 3) is currently ongoing. The preliminary results show that the savings in electricity are even somewhat higher than expected.

In the second pilot building, Norrtälje prison, two measures out of five have been carried out (change of lighting and replacement of doors) and two measures are currently planned to be carried out (process ventilation and façade insulation). Monitoring and follow-up work in Step 3 is currently planned and will start in autumn.

Training courses and seminars in Sweden on Total Concept method autumn 2016


In autumn there will be following courses and seminars:

Breakfast seminars on Total Concept method

Seminars give an introduction to Total Concept method, its possibilities and benefits as well as examples of renovation projects. Seminar is targeting all actors involved in the building renovation process.

Seminar dates:

Göteborg 8/9 at 7:30 – 9:00. Breakfast is served from 7:30

Stockholm 9/9 at 7:30 – 9:00 Breakfast is served from 7:30

Two days training course on Total Concept method implementation.

Day 1 is targeting property owners, clients, consultants, design engineers and contractors and gives an insight to economical evaluations and work process of the Total Concept method, guidelines for tendering. Day 2 is concentrating on practical work in Step 1, creating the action package and is targeting different service providers in Total Concept work process, incl. energy consultants, design engineers, architects and contractors.

Course dates:

Göteborg 11/10 and 25/10

Malmö 12/10 and 26/10

Stockholm 12/1 and 26/1

For more information:

Danish and Norwegian Tool kit versions

Danish and Norwegian language versions of the Tool kit version 1.4 are now available for downloading.

If you have questions or technical difficulties, please contact our Helpdesk

> Download the Total Concept profitability calculation tool TotalTool (totaltool_2_setup.exe)



Video: Meeting Total Concept

EASME H2020 Energy Project Officer Janna Schonfeld goes to Tallinn, where the Total Concept team gathers for the meeting. The Total Concept method is a project for major reduction of energy use in non-residential buildings and was funded under European Commission’s Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme.

Watch the movie by clicking on the youtube image below

Total Concept Meeting in Tallinn

On the 17th to 18th of November the Total Concept work group held a two day conference in Tallinn with Estonian Partners Riigi Kinnisvara and EKVÜ as hosts. In the meeting also the technical officer for the project from the European Commission took part.

Janna Schönfeld from EASME of the European Commission gave feedback on how the project is developing and also presented guidelines set by the Commission on European projects with information on financial and technical management. Ms. Schönfeld in particular discussed the interim report for the project. Each member presented the project buildings in their respective country and the Total Concept project as a whole.

Looking on the project in 2016 the group discussed upcoming events on which to promote the Total Concept on, e.g. Clima 2016. The group also discussed new material, such as an information brochure and updated tool kits. The group also elaborated on material and presentations for the training courses that is now in the planning phase for 2016. The meeting ended with reflections and information on the upcoming energy efficiency calls in the Horizon 2020 work program.

The next meetings will take place in Aalborg in May 2016.