On the 26th to 27th of May the Total Concept work group held a two day conference in Oslo with Sintef as hosts. During the meeting the results so far and the upcoming tasks were presented and discussed in order to take the next steps in the project.
The participants presented and discussed the work packages where each work package has been assigned to one of the project partners. The outcomes of the work packages were one of the topics as well as the updates made to the tool kit materials and the further developments of the tool kits that will take place during 2015. The Total concept will also have a strong focus on making the information and tool kits as available as possible.
Each country member presented their national projects giving interesting insights in each country’s work with the Total concept. From step 1 each country will have projects in the next project phase (Step 2). There will also be
measurement plans for Step 3 taking place. Each member organisation also made a new risk assessment of their projects and new risks were brought to discussion.
Göran Andersson from Gicon in Göteborg in Sweden held a seminar where he shared his experiences working with rebuilding and making buildings energy efficient. Mr. Andersson have worked with a number of large scale projects being able to drastically lower energy consumption in buildings.
Magnus Brink from Byggherrarna and Anders-Johan Almås were introduced as new members in the project consortium replacing Monika Martinsson and Anna Svensson respectively. The conference was held at the Sintef office in Oslo with a splendid view over Oslo and we thank our Norwegian hosts for organizing the conference. The next meetings will take place in Tallinn (18-19th of November 2015) and in Finland or Aalborg (TBD) (10-11th of May 2016).